


  1. 1. 百家樂:
  2. 百家樂是一種廣受歡迎的卡牌遊戲,它完美展示了賠率對賭博優勢的影響。在百家樂中,玩家可以選擇下注在「莊家」、「閒家」或「和局」上。這三種下注選項的輸贏賠率各不相同,其中,莊家和閒家的勝算分別約為49.32%和48.68%。然而,由於賭場通常會對莊家下注收取5%的佣金,這使得莊家下注的實際優勢略低於閒家。
  4. 2. 撲克牌:
  5. 撲克牌是一種需要策略的卡牌遊戲,其賭場優勢因不同的變體和玩法而異。在德州撲克中,玩家必須理解機率和心理學,以最大化自己的勝算。賭場通常僅提供遊戲場地,而不直接參與遊戲,這意味著賭場的優勢主要來自於玩家之間的技能差距。
  7. 3.  賽車遊戲:
  8. 賽車遊戲是一種簡單的運氣遊戲,玩家下注哪輛賽車將首先到達終點。賭場在這類遊戲中的優勢非常高,因為賠率並不真實反映實際的機會。賽車遊戲主要是為了娛樂,而不是依靠玩家的技能或策略

Baccarat may not be as popular as some casino games, and its higher stakes may put some low-limit players off. But, the game is actually very simple, and played well the house edge can be as low as just 1.01%. So it offers players a good chance of seeing almost 100% RTP on their wagers. Here you can compare the house edge in different deck games, based on the bet you make.

As the statistics demonstrate, the tie bet is consistently the one where the house has a huge advantage over the player regardless of the number of decks in play. Whereas the bet with the lowest house edge is banker to win.  (資料來源)



  • ∙ 了解遊戲規則和賭場優勢:

  • 在選擇遊戲之前,玩家應該仔細研究該遊戲的規則,以及賭場優勢是多少。選擇那些賭場優勢相對較低的遊戲,可以提高長期內的贏利機會。
  • ∙ 制定明智的預算和管理風險:

  • 玩家應該設定一個合理的預算,並且不超過這個預算。此外,他們應該避免追求虧損,並知道何時停止下注。
  • ∙ 使用策略和技巧:

  • 在某些遊戲中,使用策略和技巧可以降低賭場優勢。例如,在二十一點中,採用基本策略可以最大程度地減少莊家的優勢。
  • ∙ 選擇高回報率的賭注:

  • 在某些遊戲中,有一些賭注具有比其他賭注更高的回報率。玩家可以嘗試這些賭注,但要謹慎選擇,並理解其風險。

Even the most levelheaded of gamblers isn’t immune from gambler’s fallacy. Try as you may to keep logic and reason front of mind, when you’re on a hot streak, it can be easy to get caught up in the moment. Thinking that luck is on your side and losing is somehow out of the question. That way of thinking is the definition of gambler’s fallacy. It’s the belief that higher forces are at work, and that winning, or losing, is down to something other than skill or randomness.

The fact is casino odds are what they are. No amount of lucky rabbit’s feet will swing them in your favor. So be wary of thinking you can’t lose. In gambling, there always has to be winners and losers. No one is immune. No matter how ‘lucky’ they might seem. Never forget, that so-called luck can change at any given second. (資料來源)



延伸閱讀:   3A娛樂城特輯:探索3位名人的成功百家樂策略